Radio Listenership Survey - Community Radio Kilkenny City
Community Radio, Kilkenny City (CRKC) is a ‘community-based, volunteer-led, station promoting the aims and ideals of the communities it serves in Kilkenny City and environs.’ The station is ‘dedicated to enhancing the listening choice of all people in Kilkenny City and environs through a diverse range of programming content.’
CRKC management commissioned Market Dynamics to conduct a consumer survey to quantify the level of awareness of the station within its target geographic area and to obtain detailed information on the characteristics of radio listenership among survey respondents. It was agreed that 400 people would be interviewed, a very robust sample of the target population.
Market Dynamics’ team of interviewers conducted the ‘on-street’ survey at a number of locations in Kilkenny City. The survey provided detailed data on the level of awareness of the station, listenership patterns, favourite programmes and presenters.
Respondents were asked to indicate what programmes they would be like to see more of and to make suggestions on how CRKC could improve its offering to the target community. The findings showed how important the station is to its listeners and the perceived ‘social benefit’ of the existence of a community radio station.
Market Dynamics produced a detailed report based on the survey findings and conducted a presentation to the CRKC board of directors and management team. Included in the report were recommendations to CRKC on improvements to programming, ways to increase listenership and where it should concentrate its marketing efforts.